インバウンドでタイ人を集客! 事例多数で万全の用意 [PR]

Passing through the warm winter sun

Danny wants a cup of water

People in flight along 66. And the concrete road shone like a mirror under the sun, and in the distance the heat made it seem that there were pools of water in the road.
Danny wants a cup a water .
He'll have to wait, poor little fella. He's hot. Nex' service station. _Service__ station, like the fella says.
Two hundred and fifty thousand people over the road. Fifty thousand old cars--wounded, steaming. Wrecks along the road, abandoned. Well, what happened to them? What happened to the folks in that car? Did they walk? Where are they? Where does the courage come from? Where does the terrible faith come from?
And heres a story you can hardly believe, but it's true, and it's funny and it's beautiful. There was a family of twelve and they were forced off the land. They had no car. They built a trailer out of junk and loaded it with their possessions. They pulled it to the side of 66 and waited. And pretty soon a sedan picked them up. Five of them rode in the sedan and seven on the trailer, and a dog on the trailer. They got to California in two jumps. The man who pulled them fed them. And that's true . But how can such courage be, and such faith in their own species? Very few things would teach such faith.
The people in flight from the terror behind--strange things happen to them, some bitterly cruel and some so beautiful that the faith is refired forever .
